Thursday, September 23, 2010

Licking Affectionately

I am a very affectionate dog. I lick to show my affection.

I love King so I usually lick him whenever he sleeps. Here I am licking King's face:

Sometimes, King gets bothered and awakened when I lick his face. But he doesn't mind, he loves me too.

Sometimes, I also lick King's belly and sometimes, his private parts too. He does the same to me.

Ok some human may find this blatant public show of affection disgusting. But we are dogs and we are not constrained by norms and mores as humans are.

(P.S. I don't lick Hector. He's a sweet dog but he plays rough and most of the times this is too much).

(P.P.S I turned 5 months yesterday. King will turn 5 months tomorrow).
KYLIE, the beautiful

Toys! Toys! Toys!

Since I chew a lot, E has bought several toys for me to chew on.

Here are some of the toys that he bought for us:

Here I am playing with a ball made of weaved plastic. There is a bell inside so it jingles whenever I bite or carry it (Kylie is too tired to play):

Here is Kylie with a string of hotdogs or sausages.

King would rather sleep than play with these toys.

And since this is my post, here are a few more of my pictures:

This is the squeaky tire. It squeaks whenever I bite it:

Here is the red and green ball. Should I further destroy it? (I eventually did!)

Playing is tiring! Need some nap time:

HECTOR, the active one.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Climbing Up the Stairs

In E's apartment, the comfort room (for humans at least) is on the upper floor. Whenever E goes up to pee or poo, I don't want to be left behind on the lower floor.

At times, I try to climb the circular stairs but I cannot get down. E always has to carry me down.

Here are my pictures when E decided to photograph me climbing up the stairs (or rather getting stuck in the stairs).

Seems too high for me to jump down.

How do I get down from here?

Please let me down, E!

Stop taking photos and let me down, please, please.

HECTOR, the active one.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hector Krsysztof here. As I said, I'm a labrador retriever.

I don't know yet what this "retriever" is supposed to mean. E hasn't taught me yet.

I do feel, however, that I need to do something with my mouth... so I chew - a lot!

Here I am chewing the container where E used to put my drinking water.

A momentary pause in chewing to look in the camera.

I also chewed the edge of E's TV rack (I was making sure E doesn't bump into these edges but E didn't seem to appreciate this gesture). I also chewed and scratched part of the wallpaper in E's rom (a job started by King and Kylie but I brought it to a new level, I can almost peel one whole portion of the wallpaper).

HECTOR KRZYSZTOF, the playful one.

Bath Time

Last Friday was a holiday (something about the end of feasting for Muslims) so E did not go to work. He bathed us.

Here I am after brushing, bathing, towelling, blow-drying and brushing - looking beautiful and adorable.

Here is King after his bath (E usually bathes me first). He is soo lazy that whenever E brushes him, he always flops down and E can't get him to stand still. He also doesn't like being photographed.

Hector did not get a bath that day (he was bathed the following day).

Hello, I'm Hector Krzysztof


This is my first post here. I am a labrador retriever. I grew up in Rizal from a breeder who breeds large dogs (labs, german shepherd dog and pitbulls).

I was given to E by his friend.

At first E thought that I am not a pure-bred labrador due to the shape of my head and my tail. However, on searching the internet, he found out that I come from the American (field) type of labradors.

On meeting E, I was sooo excited that I immediately wagged my tail and tried to lick and sniff him. E also has two other dogs (Kylie and King) which I learned are a month older than I am but they're so small they can fit under me when I'm standing up.

I like playing, a lot. I was not used to playing with such small dogs that I have to tone down my play for King and Kylie. I even let Kylie be on top of me when we're playing.

But most of the times, I like to be on top.

Kylie likes playing with me. Though sometimes, he avoids playing with me because I'm too big and too strong for her. Which makes me sad so I bark and bark until she plays with me.

King, on the other hand, is a little bit shy and generally doesn't want to play. But lately, I think King is coming around to playing with me.


Trying to Escape

Eversince Hector arrived, E has been feeding us awayfrom Hector (he either feeds us inside our playpen or our crate or he ties Hector). He always seem hungry but he doesn't seem to bulk up much - I guess all he eats gets pooped out (which is a lot!).

Sometimes, E feeds us (King and I) in our crate.

Here I am trying to escape from the crate after I'm done eating.

KYLIE, the beautiful

Playing with Other Dogs

On the night before Hector arrived, E allowed us to play with the dog downstairs (owned by E's landlady).

There were several dogs owned by the landlady, 2 pugs, 1 shih tzu (Kylie's mother), 1 miniature poodle, 1 pomeranian, 1 pekingese and 1 pitbull-mix.

Here are our pictures:

The floor looks kinda dirty since the landlady and her family has not yet cleaned it. Thankfully, none of the dogs live on the floor (well, except for the pitbull-mix but he has a monobloc sofa to sit on).

The pomeranian, the poodle and the pekingese are not in the picture as they were let out of the house after E has taken their pictures.

The pomeranian is quite small (she's smaller than us and she's already an adult). She's also very shy and doesn't want to play with any dog. The minute E's landlady put her on the floor to play with us, she ran to a corner and hid. The pugs ran after her to play but the pom is very scared.

The pekingese is very hairy (I think hairier than us). She's one of our ancestors (the peke was crossed with a lhasa apso to create an even more beautiful breed). She's very yappy and barks and barks at E when he passes by and smells him.

Samantha, the shih tzu (Kylie's mom) has her tail on a curl on her back and the tail is always wagging. She doesn't seem to recognize Kylie very much but she's happy to have other dogs to play with.

The mini poodle has been shaved of all her hair. The landlady said because her coat tangled and matted.

The two pugs are kindly skinny for their breed but they're very playful and smelled us several times.

Well, the pitbull-mix is on chain and he's big (bigger than Hector but Hector is still a puppy).

Based on playing with these dogs, I am happy that we are better taken care of than these dogs.

Til next playtime.

KING, the sweet one.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A New Dog in Our Home

Yesterday, E's friend brought another dog, a big dog. When standing up, King or I can fit under him. And I think even if he grows up, we will not get as big as he is right now (he's only 3 months!).

At first, I was very excited to play with him. But he is so hyper active and so tall (he can step over us even if we're standing up). At one point, while both King and I were standing (a little bit apart), he jumped over us. He made us look like obstacles on track and field!

E bought him a dog collar and put a big bell which he put in the collar. Now, whenever he (E calls him Hector Krzysztof - what a long and unusual name) walks, the ball jingles. It warns us that he is coming but is driving us crazy at night (jingling and jingling since he walks a lot) when we are trying to sleep.

Well, I do play with him a little but finds it quite difficult since he's big! It may take him sometime to adjust his playfulness for our size.

KYLIE, the beautiful