On the night before Hector arrived, E allowed us to play with the dog downstairs (owned by E's landlady).
There were several dogs owned by the landlady, 2 pugs, 1 shih tzu (Kylie's mother), 1 miniature poodle, 1 pomeranian, 1 pekingese and 1 pitbull-mix.
Here are our pictures:

The floor looks kinda dirty since the landlady and her family has not yet cleaned it. Thankfully, none of the dogs live on the floor (well, except for the pitbull-mix but he has a monobloc sofa to sit on).
The pomeranian, the poodle and the pekingese are not in the picture as they were let out of the house after E has taken their pictures.
The pomeranian is quite small (she's smaller than us and she's already an adult). She's also very shy and doesn't want to play with any dog. The minute E's landlady put her on the floor to play with us, she ran to a corner and hid. The pugs ran after her to play but the pom is very scared.
The pekingese is very hairy (I think hairier than us). She's one of our ancestors (the peke was crossed with a lhasa apso to create an even more beautiful breed). She's very yappy and barks and barks at E when he passes by and smells him.
Samantha, the shih tzu (Kylie's mom) has her tail on a curl on her back and the tail is always wagging. She doesn't seem to recognize Kylie very much but she's happy to have other dogs to play with.
The mini poodle has been shaved of all her hair. The landlady said because her coat tangled and matted.
The two pugs are kindly skinny for their breed but they're very playful and smelled us several times.
Well, the pitbull-mix is on chain and he's big (bigger than Hector but Hector is still a puppy).
Based on playing with these dogs, I am happy that we are better taken care of than these dogs.
Til next playtime.
KING, the sweet one.