Today, King and I, with E, of course, went to our vet in Tiendesitas. Our usual lady doctor was not there so her associate guy doctor served us.
We went there to get our third shot (actually my third shot plus rabies vaccine but I think this is King's fourth shot if his vaccination book is to be believed).
The assistant in the clinic had a hard time finding our records since the last assistant did not put our files in the correct alphabetical place. E forgot our vaccination book. He put it in his black backpack he takes when he leaves everyday but he forgot to bring that bag (talk about senior moment!).
Anyway, before the vaccination, we were weighed first. I weighed 2.4 kg (up from 2 kg two weeks ago. King weighed 2.55 kg (he weighed 2.2 kg last time). He's always been fat one.
So here we are on the vet's table before vaccination. I'm looking at our records - curious to know what is there. The black-dish-rag-looking thing behind me is actually King.

Well, the vaccination went uneventful. I had this sort of flat raised thing under the skin where one of the vaccine was injected. (We received two shots - one 5-in-1 and another for rabies).
There were so many dogs in Tiendesitas. They are in cages and play pens. We wanted to stop and play with them but E went only to ask about (and point at) this funny looking dog (She's got the sort of color similar to what E drinks hot). E calls him a poodle and the saleslady says he's standard size - don't really know what that means. We did not get to play with other dogs.
KYLIE, the beautiful.
* * * * *
Well, Kylie, I do not look like a dish rag. I sort of look like fur, the expensive kind that ladies on TV put around their shoulders. And I look like that because my head is down low so my eyes cannot be seen.
Oh! And I'm not fat! I'm just heavier because I'm male.
Also, when we were vaccinated, I took both shots like a man (well, actually like a dog!) while you made some small racket when you got your shots.
Remember last time when we were vaccinated, you got a lump near the place where you were injected (a week after the injection) and E got scared? Well, he eventually found out it's related to the injection and eventually goes away (I'm glad it's smaller now).
Regarding the poodle, I think E's planning to get us a playmate (but she looks bigger than us). I hope she's not bossy. You being bossy is sometimes too much for me.
KING, the sweet one.
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