Hi, I'm King. I was bought by E from a pet shop in Cartimar.
I remember very little of my life before E. I also remember little of my litter-siblings or my mother. I don't even know if I have seen my father. When I about 2 months old, I was brought to Cartimar. I think sometime before I was brought to Cartimar, I had a wound or infection near my tail, hence, I had a small bald spot at the base of my tail (which thankfully is now gone).
I have a love-hate relationship with Cartimar. On the one hand, there are lots and lots of dogs (mostly shih tzu). But on the other hand, there were so many of us that we don't get much attention. Also, most of us were put in separate cages so we really couldn't play. We can just see each other and bark at each other.
One good thing is there were also many people looking at us that sometimes it gets confusing who our human is. There were at least two humans in the pet shop where I came from. One is sort of the pack leader of the humans there as he gives orders to the other one. The other guy cleans our cages and sometimes combs our hair to make as presentable. He says he needs to make us look cute so other humans can bring us to their homes. Well, I did try my best to look cute so I can find a home immediately.
The worst part is, we were left alone at night in our cages in the pet shop. Nobody to bark at if we need something. What if something bad happens to the place? What will happen to us? I can't bear to think if there is a fire there, we will be toasted dogs.
Anyway, I tried my best to look cute and about a week after i was brought there, E looked at me and liked me (I think he fell in love with my black coat with tuxedo patterns). He bought me and took me home inside a small carboard box. During the taxi ride, I kept panting as it is a little bit hot. But more importantly, I was anxious what my life will be life under E.
We reached his home and I smelled and spotted another dog. She (I can tell by the smell) is another shih tzu but she has white, brown and black coat. We smelled each other and she tried to play with me but I'm still too anxious to play. I just put my head on E's legs trying to find out if I can dominate him. He wouldn't let me and instead urged me to play with the female dog (which he calls Kylie). I played with her a little but kept to myself.
This is my first solo (well almost solo) picture that E took of me. The sort of blurry hamster/guinea-pig-looking thing behind me is Kylie, trying to smell me.

Then, a strange thing happens. E took Kylie and went up the stairs. They were gone for quite sometime. I got more anxious. Was E trying to kill and eat Kylie? (Well eating us dogs is kinda rare now and would he paid a large sum of money to buy and eat us when he could get a very sumptuous feast with the money? Well, you can never tell).
After a while, they went down the stairs and Kylie looks damp. She was wrapped with a towel. E then brushed her hair and she looked nicer after that. I smelled her and she smelled nicer, not doggie nice but I guess human-nice. E then took me upstairs and doused my beautiful coat with water. He then put this soapy bubbly liquid in my coat and massaged it to me. He then rinsed the soapy liquid and wrapped me in a towel. Downstairs, he did the same thing to me as he did to Kylie. Boy do I smell human-nice!
After that, I got more confident that E will not do bad things to me and I played and played with Kylie. We played rough and she doesn't seem to want to play rough. (After a month, Kylie plays rougher than me and she's almost always on top when we play).
E also brought out food for both of us to eat. Look at us drinking. And look at all the wee on the floor (we were not yet housetrained that time).

It has been more than a month now and I'm quite happy living with E and Kylie.
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Oh, and the main reason E bought me was because Kylie gets lonely whenever E has to leave everyday. Well, I showed Kylie that I'm such a good playmate and I showed E that I'm much more than a companion for Kylie, I'm a sweet adorable puppy too.
* * * * *
KING, the sweet one
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