Weird and strange things happened today.
As usual, E left in the morning to go to work.
In the afternoon, a lot of water came down from the sky (we see through the open bedroom/balcony door) and there were flashes of light with weird loud noises. We'll we are brave shih tzus and we did not get scared.
When E came home, he was wet. His pants were wet, his clothes were wet and his shoes were wet. Did he take a bath in the falling water from the sky?
During the night, E looks restless and seems to be twitching his nose. Is he smelling our poop and pee? Well, apparently, the smell was too strong for him that he got up from his bed, got the mop out and the red plastic thingy (where Kylie was first placed) and put some soapy water.
What's stranger, he moved our playpen to the living room when he cleaned the floor of the bedroom. He even cleaned the base of the electric fan (where Kylie is peeing when E is not looking). He even moved TV rack.
When he finished cleaning the bedroom floor, he put us inside our crate (the one he uses when he brings us to our vet). The strangest thing is that he proceeded to dismantle our playpen and eating area! Where are we going to eat, drink and sometimes pee!
We were quiet expecting that we'll be going somewhere. But it seemed we were not going anywhere, he put the crate on top of our grooming pedestal and proceeded on cleaning the living room floor with the soapy water. We waited for him to get dressed and take us out but he never did.
We even waited while he cleaned our poop in the balcony. Still we're not going anywhere.
After all this. He wiped his perspiration with a towel (not OUR towel, he has his own towels and we do have several towel all to ourselves). He then put the crate down on the bedroom floor (I can smell the rubbing alcohol he used on the floor - makes me sneeze!).
It seemed like he was going to sleep and he forgot to let us out of the crate!!! Is he going to let us sleep here?
Kylie seemed apathetic to where we are and just laid down. I, on the other hand, cannot bear to sleep in this small cramped crate (after all, I already spent more than a week inside a cage in the pet shop). I scratched and scratched the crate until finally he let us out.
We laid down very near the bedroom door as this is where the odor of the rubbing alcohol is weakest (he closed the door so we couldn't go to the living room).
He didn't put up our playpen again. Where will we eat and drink?
Oh, and by the way, here's a picture of us inside our playpen (which really isn't a playpen since we don't play that much when we're inside it (no room to run and run).
KING, the sweet one.
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